Invest and Trade Profitably with Jon Johnson

Success Trading Group Changes

May 3, 2022

Hello Success Trading Group subscribers!  As part of our ongoing service upgrades here at Eagle Publishing, I am excited to announce a name change to your service: Rapid Profits Stock Trader.  We wanted to capture a name that clearly captures the essence of the service, and we are exited moving forward with this new name!

We will still look at stock trades that provide us the opportunity to make a solid return as we capture the momentum generated from the breakouts from excellent setups whether breakouts from patterns, continuations of trends, reversals – those opportunities we know have a very high probability of turning us a solid profit in short order.  We will start with a new portfolio May 4 with this week’s trades included in the portfolio.  For existing open positions, I am looking at any rebound during any pre- and post-FOMC decision bounce to exit those underwater while I let recent entries continue to run toward the target with a 2% stop loss from where they are now.

Glad to have you with us as we move forward with our Rapid Profits Stock Trader service and our rapid profits trades!


Jon Johnson

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