Invest and Trade Profitably with Jon Johnson

Investment House Weekend Wrap Up Archive

Weekender for 10/15

October 15, 2023

1. Market Summary Stocks rattled by hotter Consumer Price Index (CPI), recover from it, move higher. Market recovery chop-blocked by a terrible 30-year auction. Late rebound makes things a bit better looking at the close. Small-caps, mid-caps slaughtered as the economics at home look depressing. Same leadership groups hold up well enough as the market […]

Weekender for 10/8

October 8, 2023

1. Market Summary Indices volatile intraday again, hold support again. Indices move laterally as stocks work on their patterns. Jobless claims lower, trade deficit lower: both suggest stronger data using conventional wisdom, but lower imports mean a weaker consumer. Gloom suddenly popular. Big money talks gloom to help seasonal push lower as they buy growth. […]

Weekender for 10/1

October 1, 2023

1. Market Summary Weaker data appear to rattle stocks, but follow-through to Wednesday’s reversal finally shows up. Pending homes plummet, GDP Q2 consumption posts a nine-sigma miss Bank of America reports consumer spending -0.3% the prior week Suddenly, the media picks up on the weaker consumer as sentiment turns very negative. PHLX Semiconductor Sector (SOX) […]

Weekender for 9/24

September 24, 2023

1. Market Summary Jobless claims remain low and there are some reasons for that Philly Fed drops stone-like after a one month upside blip Leading economic indicators again indicating weakness So bad it is good: S&P 500, Nasdaq, DJ30 very near support from August lows Leadership thins further as the usual suspects fade away, e.g. […]

Weekender for 9/17

September 17, 2023

1. Market Summary Almost all indices appear to shake off flirting with selling, post solid gains Producer Price Index (PPI) similar to Consumer Price Index (CPI): cooler and not Retail sales cheered for the gains, but energy and inflation play a huge role as consumers cut back on non-essentials Government claims a surplus but admits […]

Weekender for 9/10

September 10, 2023

1. Market Summary Stocks higher early premarket but melt away to losses. Some rebounds once more, but all indices outside DJ30 finish lower. Jobless claims at seven-month lows. Well, okay then. Indices in various degrees of failure. Still solid patterns in some sectors: too-big-to-fail tech, software, oil and gas, manufacturing/machinery. Some indices hanging in at […]

Weekender for 9/3

September 3, 2023

1. Market Summary August ends with a mixed note and a weak month. Will September be worse or is the damage done? Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) stronger year/year core and overall, but market handles it decently Personal spending not bad, but disposable income turns negative Chicago Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) better than feared, but still […]

Weekender for 8/27

August 27, 2023

For the very active trader! Receive my stock and option picks every day — along with market commentary that tells you what’s really happening in the markets and why. I piece together many indicators to find the best short-term plays whether they’re going long or going short. Click here to order now. […]

Weekender for 8/20

August 25, 2023

1. Market Summary Stocks fail an early bounce, rebound solidly, but then get hammered All but DJ20 now below the 50-day moving averages (MAs) Late June pullback lows are the next key level, as various indices may use that to bounce and form head-and-shoulders patterns With BRICS confab approaching, the players are making deals with […]

Weekender for 8/13

August 13, 2023

1. Market Analysis Consumer Price Index (CPI) cooler and hotter. Market rallies early, then pitches it away. Mixed close as stock indices surge and purge, holding at the same support. More than just CPI: Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) usage increases, sloppy 30-year treasury auction, hardship retirement loans surge. With the Strategic Petroleum Reserve all […]

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